Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monongahela mayor ends loan ordeal

By Chris Buckley

Published: Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 1:16?a.m.
Updated 4 hours ago

One week ago, Monongahela Mayor Bob Kepics was wearing an orange jumpsuit from the Washington County Correctional Facility.

On Tuesday, he was financially in the black ? at least with a close friend to whom he owed money.

Kepics paid off an outstanding debt Tuesday that initially had him facing a criminal charge that was ultimately scrapped by the Washington County District Attorney?s office.

On Dec. 18, Kepics was charged with theft by deception related to a $3,935 loan obtained April 26, 2011, from John and Shirly Amon of New Eagle.

The private criminal complaint claimed Kepics paid them $1,400 on Nov. 29, 2011, and subsequently submitted two payments of $100 each ? on Aug. 8, 2012, and Sept. 12, 2012.

The Amons allege Kepics notified them in January 2012 that he would go into his 401 (k) retirement account to repay the loan and also wrote a letter suggesting a payment plan.

The couple stated Kepics said he would repay the money after receiving his federal income tax return on March 1, 2012. They had received the pair of small payments since, according to the complaint, leaving Kepics owing $2,335.

The charges were approved Dec. 11 by the Washington County District Attorney?s office, and an arrest warrant was issued in Monongahela by Magisterial District Judge Mark Wilson.

Kepics was arrested later that day and brought before Wilson to be arraigned.

Washington County District Attorney Gene Vittone withdrew the charge this week.

?That complaint should not have occurred, and we?re looking into why it was filed,? Vittone said. ?I did not have any knowledge of it until I saw it on the news.?

John Amon confirmed Tuesday that Kepics paid the debt in full.

?I?m glad it?s over,? Amon said. ?As far as I?m concerned, we?re still friends. He was like a son to me.?

Asked about the charges, Amon said, ?I don?t know how it became a criminal case.?

Chris Buckley is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at 724-684-2642 or

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