Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Digital Hairshirt: The DigiDrinker: Highland Brewing Company's ...

First of all, let me show you two things of beauty:

T0e first picture is my kegerator, gifted to me lovingly by my husband this past Christmas.? You see, we bought one of those Southern homes that has a front room - too small to be a living room proper, and really meant to be a sitting room.? But I like sitting in a pub atmosphere, so I turned it into a home bar.? And my husband got me this kegerator, currently pouring some New Belgium Snow Day.

But that got the DigiHubby a-thinking.? So he took an old freezer that he modified during his home brewing days, and turned that - wait for it - into a three tap kegerator!? Too large to be in the bar, it sits - in its glory - in our garage.

Please don;t hate me.? Plus, the DigiHubby is now making noise about home brewing again.? Niiiiiice!

Anyway, when I mentioned that one of the half-kegs he purchased for the three-tapper was Highland Brewing Company's?Black Mocha?Stout, my dear friend and sister in Christ, Miss Norma McCorvey, excitedly asked, "How is it?!"? I do not take lightly her request (please, when you are doing the Lord's work, one can get thirsty), so let me offer my humble review:

A disclaimer:? I like dark beers, and on a day like today with rain falling in Knoxville, a stout or a porter is just the brew to celebrate a new month.? The coffee and chocolate is not over-powering, but addsa a sense of silkiness to the taste.? Wait, let me get another mouthful . . .

Ahhhhh . . .there is a sweetness to its headiness, very subtle and good.This is aged in barrels of smoked cherry wood, and some of the fruit flavor is imparted - again, subtle, not overdone like some cheap HDR photography.? I am enjoying the bitterness - or is it the umami - that lingers at the back of the mouth.? Not hoppy at all and has an ABV (alcohol by volume) of only 5% - low for a stout, but that makes for a pleasant drink that won't get you blitzed.

Because enjoying beer - or any form of adult beverage - is not about getting drunk.? It's about taking the time to enjoy the flavors of what you are drinking, and its interaction with pairings, be it food or mixers (yes, mixers - I like Jack Daniels neat and I like it with Coke, so sue me).

To my Middle South friends, you can find this anywhere - and, of course, the cheapest place to drink it is here, in my own Dog Hill Tavern (please bring me stolen bar coasters).? To my California friends, try Hollinghead's Deli in Orange, kitty corner from CHOC on Main Street.

And to all, my mother's family's?traditional??toast:??Na zdrowie!?????????????????????

(that's "to your health!" in Polish)


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