Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rosa Parks statue set to be unveiled at Capitol

FILE -- In a June 15, 1999 file photo Rosa Parks smiles during a Capitol Hill ceremony where Parks was honored with the Congressional Gold Medal in Washington. Parks will become the first black woman to be honored with a full-length statue in the Capitol?s Statuary Hall on Wednesday Feb. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Khue Bui, file)

FILE -- In a June 15, 1999 file photo Rosa Parks smiles during a Capitol Hill ceremony where Parks was honored with the Congressional Gold Medal in Washington. Parks will become the first black woman to be honored with a full-length statue in the Capitol?s Statuary Hall on Wednesday Feb. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Khue Bui, file)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Rosa Parks is famous for her 1955 refusal to give up her seat on a city bus in Alabama to a white man, but there's plenty about the rest of her experiences that she deliberately withheld from her family.

While Parks and her husband, Raymond, were childless, her brother, the late Sylvester McCauley, had 13 children. They decided Parks' nieces and nephews didn't need to know the horrible details surrounding her civil rights activism, said Rhea McCauley, Parks' niece.

"They didn't talk about the lynchings and the Jim Crow laws," said McCauley, 61, of Orlando, Fla. "They didn't talk about that stuff to us kids. Everyone wanted to forget about it and sweep it under the rug."

Parks' descendants now have a chance to be first-hand witnesses as their late matriarch makes more history, this time becoming the first black woman to be honored with a full-length statue in the Capitol's Statuary Hall. The statue of Parks joins a bust of another black woman, abolitionist Sojourner Truth, which sits in the Capitol Visitors Center.

President Barack Obama, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner are among the dignitaries taking part in the unveiling Wednesday. McCauley said more than 50 of Parks' relatives traveled to Washington for the ceremony.

In a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus in segregated Montgomery, Ala. She was arrested, touching off a bus boycott that stretched over a year.

Jeanne Theoharis, author of the new biography "The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks," said Parks was very much a full-fledged civil rights activist, yet her contributions have not been treated like those of other movement leaders, such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Rosa Parks is typically honored as a woman of courage, but that honor focuses on the one act she made on the bus on Dec. 5, 1955," said Theoharis, a political science professor at Brooklyn College-City University of New York.

"That courage, that night was the product of decades of political work before that and continued ... decades after" in Detroit, she said.

Parks died Oct. 24, 2005, at age 92. The U.S. Postal Service issued a stamp in her honor on Feb. 4, which would have been her 100th birthday.

Parks was raised by her mother and grandparents who taught her that part of being respected was to demand respect, said Theoharis, who spent six years researching and writing the Parks biography.

She was an educated woman who recalled seeing her grandfather sitting on the porch steps with a gun during the height of white violence against blacks in post-World War I Alabama.

After she married Raymond Parks, she joined him in his work in trying to help nine young black men, ages 12 to 19, who were accused of raping two white women in 1931. The nine were later convicted by an all-white jury in Scottsboro, Ala., part of a long legal odyssey for the so-called Scottsboro Boys.

In the 1940s, Parks joined the NAACP and was elected secretary of its Montgomery, Ala., branch, working with civil rights activist Edgar Nixon to fight barriers to voting for blacks and investigate sexual violence against women, Theoharis said.

Just five months before refusing to give up her seat, Parks attended Highlander Folk School, which trained community organizers on issues of poverty but had begun turning its attention to civil rights.

After the bus boycott, Parks and her husband lost their jobs and were threatened. They left for Detroit, where Parks was an activist against the war in Vietnam and worked on poverty, housing and racial justice issues, Theoharis said.

Theoharis said that while she considers the 9-foot-statue of Parks in the Capitol an "incredible honor" for Parks, "I worry about putting this history in the past when the actual Rosa Parks was working on and calling on us to continue to work on racial injustice."

Parks has been honored previously in Washington with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999, both during the Clinton administration.

But McCauley said the Statuary Hall honor is different.

"The medal you could take it, put it on a mantel," McCauley said. "But her being in the hall itself is permanent and children will be able to tour the (Capitol) and look up and see my aunt's face."

Associated Press


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Video: High emotion at assault weapons hearing

>>> back to washington. there was a senate hearing today on the question of banning assault weapons and high-capacity ammo clips. and it became apparent early on the emotions on this subject are still boiling, as they were on the day we learned of the attack in newtown, connecticut. our report tonight from nbc's tom costello.

>> reporter: on capitol hill , it was raw and gut-wrenching.

>> i'm jesse lewis' dad.

>> reporter: the father of 6-year-old jesse lewis, a first grader, gunned down at sandy hook elementary with 19 classmates and 6 adults.

>> jesse was the love of my life . he is the only family i have left. it's hard for me to be here today. to talk about my deceased son. but i have to. i'm his voice.

>> reporter: neil his lund today called for a ban on assault weapons . emotions ran high all day.

>> it's time for congress to pick a side. this time i hope it's law enforcement 's.

>> reporter: the milwaukee police chief got into it with republican senator lindsey graham , who today said he owns a so-called assault weapon over the need for background checks on people who want to buy a gun.

>> how many cases --

>> you know, it doesn't matter. it's a paper thing. i want to stop 76 -- i want to finish the answer.

>> no.

>> i want to stop 76,000 people from buying guns illegally. that's what a background check does. if you think we're going to do paperwork prosecutions, you're wrong.

>> isn't it really about who has the gun sometimes more than the gun itself?

>> reporter: meanwhile, the vice president went before state attorneys general to again push for gun legislation.

>> the excuse that it's too politically risky to act is no longer acceptable.

>> reporter: with wree motions running high on both sides, an assault weapons ban faces an uphill battle. tom costello, nbc news washington.


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Review: 'Lucid Nightmares' aims to keep viewers up at night | The ...

Under a full moon, it could have been Halloween Feb. 25 at the Harold Acting Studio. Cotton cobwebs, a fake skull and a buzzing black and white television decorated the front steps. A hunched Frankenstein-like greeter grasping a three-tier candleholder led each individual or group in and directed them to a seat. This simple introduction confirmed the horror to come later in the play: ?Lucid Nightmares? was not going to be an ordinary scare.

Four female seniors in the current Theatre Studies class ? Sarah Beese, Elizabeth Floyd, Jayme Mantos and Ashley Meeks ? wrote the play for class. It is the first fully developed play the group has ever produced.

The women found inspiration in Edgar Allan Poe?s work as they started writing the play. This deceased writer feasted on gothic horror and wrote some of the most disturbing pieces in American literature.

Monday night was a full house. Audience members walked quickly inside the theater to find a seat in the middle ? a seat on the end of a row would surely mean interacting with the horrors up close and personal. The room was foggy with dim lighting until the start of the play, when it went almost completely black.

Beese, clothed in black and holding a small candle, entered the stage first. Before exiting the stage, she warned the audience to guard their souls.

?Lucid Nightmares? was split into three parts, each performance challenging the insanity of its characters. The title of the play itself questioned the reality of each scene. While some sections appeared realistic, others seemed more dreamlike.

The playwrights seemed to know when the audience would feel calm because as soon as the tension started to die down, something would happen ? a suffocation, a confession or a fantastical change ? and viewers would be gripping their seats again.

The women also knew how to include precise and intriguing details to disturb the audience, such as an old woman?s obsession with a dead youth?s teeth. The playwrights were also aware of how to successfully portray two different scenes at the same time and have their viewers understand what had happened.

The second section of the play started after a somewhat unorganized and lengthy blackout, and the Harold Studio presented other difficulties for the cast and crew. The platforms the performers walked across were exceptionally squeaky, which was sometimes favorable since the effect created additional anxiety. But when it became difficult to hear the performers speak, it was easy to lose track of what was happening.

Aside from minor technical flaws like microphone static and fog machines? sputters, ?Lucid Nightmares? was a remarkably well-done play in an industry where horror is rarely experimented with or attempted at all.

Edgar Allen Poe, Elon, Harold Acting Studio, Lucid Nightmares, Theater

About Stephanie Butzer

Stephanie Butzer is a print journalism major, with two minors in creative writing and art with an emphasis in photography. She loves environmental and entertainment journalism. In her free time, if any, Stephanie likes distance running, outdoor exploration and relaxing with friends. View all posts by Stephanie Butzer ?


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Pope to wear white, but no red shoes after abdication

Tony Gentile / Reuters, file

Shoemaker Antonio Arellano, whose customers include Pope Benedict XVI, in his shop in downtown Rome.

Since Pope Benedict announced he was to become the first pontiff in six centuries to abdicate, there has been speculation about what clothes he will wear and even what his name will be.

On Tuesday, the Vatican announced Benedict would continue to be called ?Your Holiness Benedict XVI? and become the ?pope emeritus.?

Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi told a daily news briefing that the pope would wear a ?white cassock,? Reuters and The Associated Press reported.

However, his ring of office as pope will be destroyed ? as is traditional ? and he will stop wearing his trademark red shoes.

The Associated Press explained:

Benedict has taken a liking to a pair of hand-crafted brown loafers made for him by artisans in Leon, Mexico, and presented to him during his 2012 visit. He will wear them in retirement.

Lombardi told reporters that Benedict, previously Joseph Ratzinger, had made the decisions himself.

Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters

Pope Benedict XVI leads his last Sunday Angelus prayer before he steps down in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on Feb. 24.

The Vatican press office refused to comment or elaborate on the briefing, but said more details might be posted on its website later.

Benedict stunned the world when he announced on Feb. 11 that he was going to quit, saying the papacy required ?strength of mind and body,? and that his had deteriorated in recent months.

His abdication will come into effect on Thursday.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gunmen kill Pakistani reporter near Afghan border

ISLAMABAD (AP) ? A Pakistani private news channel says gunmen have shot and killed one of its reporters in the country's tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

Rana Jawad, an official at Geo News, says their reporter Malik Mumtaz was targeted in Miran Shah, the main city in North Waziristan.

It was not immediately clear whether the attack on Malik was related to his work.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for Wednesday's killing.

Acccording to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least seven reporters were killed in Pakistan last year, making it the third most deadly country for journalists.

In November, police defused a bomb attached to the car of Geo's anchorperson Hamid Mir in Islamabad.


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1st witness testifies in Gulf oil spill trial

AAA??Feb. 26, 2013?10:59 AM ET
1st witness testifies in Gulf oil spill trial

FILE - Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill floats on the water as the sky is reflected in sheen on Barataria Bay, off the coast of Louisiana, in this June, 7, 2010 file photo. A high-stakes trial to assign blame and help figure out exactly how much more BP and other companies should pay for the spill began Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

FILE - Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill floats on the water as the sky is reflected in sheen on Barataria Bay, off the coast of Louisiana, in this June, 7, 2010 file photo. A high-stakes trial to assign blame and help figure out exactly how much more BP and other companies should pay for the spill began Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

FILE - This file photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard shows oil leaking from the drill pipe of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig after it sank on April 22, 2010, two days after it exploded. A high-stakes trial to assign blame and help figure out exactly how much more BP and other companies should pay for the spill began Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. (AP photo/US Coast Guard)

Protestors from the National Audubon Institute, the Gulf Restoration Network and other organizations stand outside Federal Court on the first day of the Gulf oil spill settlement trial in New Orleans, Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier is scheduled to hear several hours of opening statements Monday by lawyers for the companies, federal and state governments and others who sued over the disaster. Barbier is hearing the case without a jury. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

FILE - In this aerial file photo madeWednesday, April 21, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, more than 50 miles southeast of Venice on Louisiana's tip, an oil slick is seen as the Deepwater Horizon oil rig burns. Nearly three years after the deadly rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico triggered the nation's worst offshore oil spill, a federal judge in New Orleans is set to preside over a high-stakes trial for the raft of litigation spawned by the disaster on Monday Feb. 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, file)

FILE - BP PLC Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward asks members of the media to step back as he walks along Fourchon Beach in Port Fourchon, La., in this file photo taken May 24, 2010, about a month after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Hayward visited the beach to observe efforts to clean oil that washed ashore from the spill. A high-stakes trial to assign blame and help figure out exactly how much more BP and other companies should pay for the spill began Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

(AP) ? An expert witness for people and businesses who sued BP over the Gulf oil spill says he found ample evidence that the company's cost-cutting culture led to the disaster.

University of California-Berkeley engineering professor Robert Bea testified Tuesday at a civil trial. He says BP PLC didn't implement a safety management program on the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

The London-based company has said the program was designed to drive a rigorous and systematic approach to safety and risk management.

Bea is the trial's first witness. He says it is "tragic" and "egregious" that BP didn't apply its own safety program.

A former BP consultant, Bea also investigated the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill and New Orleans levee breaches after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Associated PressNews Topics: Business, General news, Trials, Legal proceedings, Law and order, Pollution, Environmental concerns, Environment, Environment and nature, Industrial accidents, Accidents, Accidents and disasters, Oil spills


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"NYRA hiring new communications czar" by Around Saratoga

The New York Racing Association is looking for a new director Of communications and media relations.

The job was posted on the Poynter website on Friday. The vacancy was created after the recent Saratoga meet, when Dan Silver left.

"The Director must possess a college degree in Communications, Journalism, English or a related field (Master?s degree is a plus), and at least ten years of strategic PR/Communications experience. Experience working in Corporate Communications and/or Governmental Affairs required," reads the posting. "Knowledge of thoroughbred racing is desired. The successful candidate must be available to work at all three NYRA Racetracks (Aqueduct, Belmont Park and Saratoga Race Course for 7 weeks during the summer), as well as to work holidays and weekends."

Follow @poozer87 on Twitter.


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Pain from the brain

Monday, February 25, 2013

Psychogenic diseases, formerly known as 'hysterical' illnesses, can have many severe symptoms such as painful cramps or paralysis but without any physical explanation. However, new research from the University of Cambridge and UCL (University College London) suggests that individuals with psychogenic disease, that is to say physical illness that stems from emotional or mental stresses, do have brains that function differently. The research was published today, 25 February, in the journal Brain.

Psychogenic diseases may look very similar to illnesses caused by damage to nerves, the brain or the muscles, or similar to genetic diseases of the nervous system. However, unlike organic diseases, psychogenic diseases do not have any apparent physical cause, making them difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat.

"The processes leading to these disorders are poorly understood, complex and highly variable. As a result, treatments are also complex, often lengthy and in many cases there is poor recovery. In order to improve treatment of these disorders, it is important to first understand the underlying mechanism," said Dr James Rowe from the University of Cambridge.

The study looked at people with either psychogenic or organic dystonia, as well as healthy people with no dystonia. Both types of dystonia caused painful and disabling muscle contractions affecting the leg. The organic patient group had a gene mutation (the DYT1 gene) that caused their dystonia. The psychogenic patients had the symptoms of dystonia but did not have any physical explanation for the disease, even after extensive investigations.

The scientists performed PET brain scans on the volunteers at UCL, to measure the blood flow and brain activity of both of the groups, and healthy volunteers. The participants were scanned with three different foot positions: resting, moving their foot, and holding their leg in a dystonic position. The electrical activity of the leg muscles was measured at the same time to determine which muscles were engaged during the scans.

The researchers found that the brain function of individuals with the psychogenic illness was not normal. The changes were, however, very different from the brains of individuals with the organic (genetic) disease.

Dr Anette Schrag, from UCL, said: "Finding abnormalities of brain function that are very different from those in the organic form of dystonia opens up a way for researchers to learn how psychological factors can, by changing brain function, lead to physical problems."

Dr Rowe added: "What struck me was just how very different the abnormal brain function was in patients with the genetic and the psychogenic dystonia. Even more striking was that the differences were there all the time, whether the patients were resting or trying to move."

Additionally, the researchers found that one part of the brain previously thought to indicate psychogenic disease is unreliable: abnormal activity of the prefrontal cortex was thought to be the hallmark of psychogenic diseases. In this study, the scientists showed that this abnormality is not unique to psychogenic disease, since activity was also present in the patients with the genetic cause of dystonia when they tried to move their foot.

Dr Arpan Mehta, from the University of Cambridge, said: "It is interesting that, despite the differences, both types of patient had one thing in common - a problem at the front of the brain. This area controls attention to our movements and although the abnormality is not unique to psychogenic dystonia, it is part of the problem."

This type of illness is very common. Dr Schrag said: "One in six patients that see a neurologist has a psychogenic illness. They are as ill as someone with organic disease, but with a different cause and different treatment needs. Understanding these disorders, diagnosing them early and finding the right treatment are all clearly very important. We are hopeful that these results might help doctors and patients understand the mechanism leading to this disorder, and guide better treatments."


University of Cambridge:

Thanks to University of Cambridge for this article.

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PFT: Is Te'o gay? Teams want to know? |? Florio

Divisional Playoffs - Houston Texans v New England PatriotsGetty Images

When I first heard about Peter King?s report that the Patriots had signed quarterback Tom Brady to a three-year, $27 million extension, I assumed the deal was worth $27 million per year.

It?s not.? For committing to the Patriots in the 2015, 2016, and 2017 seasons, Brady gets a total of $27 million.

It appears, as explained last night, to be nothing more than an effort to reduce Brady?s cap number in 2013 and 2014, the final two years of his existing deal.? It?s hard to spread money over the years of a contract if the contract covers only two more seasons.? Come 2015, the likely reality is that a new deal will be done ? after the appearance that Brady has taken less is used to squeeze other players into doing the same thing, which the Pats did masterfully last decade.

Still, teams and agents are looking at the numbers and wonder what else could be going on.? Whispers of a side deals already have begun in league circles, even though there is (and likely will be) no proof of a wink-nod arrangement that will see Brady get compensated in other ways.

Sides deals aren?t unprecedented in pro football.? The Broncos lost a second-round pick, a third-round pick, and paid a $950,000 for violations relating to $29 million in deferred payments to John Elway and Terrell Davis during the team?s Super Bowl window of the late 1990s.? Again, there is (and likely will be) no proof of a side deal in this case.

Now that more and more teams are pressed against the salary cap and trying to finagle spending space, suspicions of side arrangements and briefcases full of cash will return to the NFL ? even if no team is ever caught or is ever guilty.

In Brady?s case, the facts as presently known raise natural red flags.? At a time when the high-water mater for quarterbacks is $20 million, the notion that Brady would commit to playing for less than half that average over a three-year window starting three seasons from now makes no sense.

At a minimum, agent Don Yee has provided his competitors with more than enough ammunition for the inherently cutthroat game of chasing new clients.? At a maximum, teams and agents will probe for something/anything to explain why Tom Brady was willing to sign a contract that pays him so much less than he?ll be worth starting two years from now.

Maybe, in the end, the explanation is that, given his wife?s obscene earnings, he?s willing to take a lot less money in order to help that Pats stack the deck for another Super Bowl run or two.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oscars Musicals Tribute: From 'Chicago' To 'Les Miserables'

Oscar-winning actors from the past decade's celebrated movie musicals perform their show-stopping numbers.
By Brett White

Hugh Jackman at the 2013 Oscars
Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images


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Ohio gas prices down to start week

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Ohio motorists are seeing slightly lower gas prices to start the work week.

The average price for a gallon of regular gas in Ohio was about $3.70 in Monday's survey from auto club AAA, the Oil Price Information Service and Wright Express. That's about 12 cents lower than a week ago.

The Ohio average is about 8 cents lower than the national average of 3.78, which is a nickel higher than the national average price of a week ago. The national average has risen 44 cents in the past month.

The Ohio average is about 30 cents higher than a month ago, but just a few cents higher than at the same time in 2012.


AAA Daily Fuel Gauge Report:


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Entrepreneurial bug bites San Quentin inmates

SAN QUENTIN, California (Reuters) - One by one, the entrepreneurs, clad in crisp blue jeans and armed with PowerPoint presentations, stood before a roomful of investors and tech bloggers to explain their dreams of changing the world.

For these exuberant times in Silicon Valley, the scene was familiar; the setting, less so.

With the young and ambitious flocking again to northern California to launch Internet companies, there were signs one recent morning that startup mania has taken hold even behind the faded granite walls of California's most notorious prison.

"Live stream has gone mainstream. Mobile video usage went up and is expected to increase by 28 percent over the next five years," said Eddie Griffin, who was pitching a music streaming concept called "At the Club" and happens to be finishing a third stint for drug possession at San Quentin State Prison, near San Francisco, after spending the last 15 years behind bars.

Griffin was one of seven San Quentin inmates who presented startup proposals on "Demo Day" as part of the Last Mile program, an entrepreneurship course modeled on startup incubators that take in batches of young companies and provide them courses, informal advice and the seed investments to grow.

According to business news website Xconomy, incubator programs - which it tracks - have tripled in number for each of the past three years, proliferating from Sao Paulo to Stockholm at a pace that has fueled talk in tech circles of an "incubator bubble".

Last Mile founder Chris Redlitz, a local venture capitalist, says his goal was never to seek out a genuine investment opportunity inside a prison but to educate inmates about tech entrepreneurship and bridge the knowledge gap between Silicon Valley's wired elite and the rest of the region's population.

Inmates, after all, are not allowed to run businesses. They do not have access to cellphones ? much less Apple Inc's latest iPhone developer toolkits ? and they use computers only under close supervision.


After his presentation in San Quentin's chapel, which received a rousing reception from an audience that included prison warden Kevin R. Chappell, Griffin told a reporter it was unlikely he would launch his startup idea immediately after being released this summer.

"I still have a lot to learn," said the soft-spoken Detroit native. "I've never used a cellphone. Technology is kind of foreign in this environment."

But to hear the inmates use jargon such as "lean startup" and "minimum viable product" speaks to an unmistakable truth about the Bay Area zeitgeist, where startups, for better or worse, have come to embody upward mobility, ambition, and hustle.

"If they were doing this in the '80s there may have been a different theme or model," said Wade Roush, Xconomy's chief correspondent. "But in this day and age, becoming an entrepreneur or starting a business is a form of self-actuation."

Situated on prime waterfront land, San Quentin is perhaps California's most storied prison and home to the state's only death row. But it has also kept a longstanding progressive reputation, boasting a rare college degree-granting program and vibrant arts courses.

The Last Mile accepted 10 inmates out of 50 applicants for its latest batch. The program, which graduated its first class of inmates last year, meets twice a week to discuss startups and lasts six months, although the most recent class took seven months due to a prison lockdown last year.

Some Last Mile participants, under official supervision, have also joined the online question-and-answer site Quora to respond to questions about prison life or describe what it felt like to commit murder.

The latest batch of startup ideas included a fitness app that would motivate drug addicts to exercise, a cardiovascular health organization, a social network for sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder, a food waste recycling program, and an e-commerce site for artists in prison.


Because the likelihood is not great that these companies will become funded and succeed, Redlitz said he was also working to place the inmates in jobs at tech companies after their release.

Rocketspace, a startup co-working space in downtown San Francisco, has agreed to host an internship., a crowd-funding site that counts Redlitz among its investors, said it hoped to begin a program to seek micro-investments from the public for the inmates' ideas.

Sitting in the Demo Day audience was John Collison, the 22-year-old co-founder of online payments startup Stripe, who noted some stark differences between the inmates' proposals and the fashionable startups du jour in Silicon Valley.

"What's frustrating is that all these companies in the Valley, they're ideas for the 1 or 10 percent," Collison said. "You have startups like Uber or Taskrabbit, that's like, ?Oh, here's something to help you find a driver or find someone to clean your house.' Are they solving real problems?"

The San Quentin inmates "were talking about urban obesity, or PTSD", Collison said. "It's a completely different perspective. We actually really need that."

(Reporting by Gerry Shih; Editing by Dale Hudson)


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Report: Saudis may drop screen for women advisers

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) ? A Saudi newspaper says officials may consider dropping plans for a barrier separating men and the newly appointed women in the country's top advisory body.

The reports follow the swearing-in ceremony Sunday for the first women in the ultraconservative kingdom's Shura Council. There was no barrier during the event as the 30 women sat on one side of the chamber and the 130 men on the other.

Saudi Arabia's strict Islamic codes sharply restrict mixing between genders.

The pro-government Al-Watan newspaper reported Monday that the original proposal for a barrier in the Shura chamber now could be reconsidered.

In 2011, King Abdullah said women can vote and run as candidates in the next municipal elections in 2015. The kingdom's women are still banned from driving and face many other restrictions.


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Naval Air Station Fort Worth is starting new programs to conserve energy

FORT WORTH -- The utility bills arriving in mailboxes might feel a little unfamiliar to U.S. servicemen and -women living at the Naval Air Station Fort Worth.

Energy costs, after all, have long been fixed and lumped into the cost of base housing.

But this spring, those 80 or so families will assume responsibility for their own energy consumption, paying more for higher-than-average use -- or getting a rebate check for efficiency.

The program was created after research found that residents used far less energy when utilities were not included in their rent.

"It changes the mindset," said Nelson Cowan, housing installation program manager at the base. "This gets them thinking about things like not leaving the A/C running on high all day if they aren't going to be home."

The base's utility expenses -- electric, natural gas, water and sewer -- in fiscal 2011-12 were $4 million.

This latest program is one of the many initiatives the military has enacted in an effort to become more energy-efficient and reserve money previously spent on utilities for war-fighting readiness. Conservation efforts have ranged in recent years from installation of solar panels and wind turbines to water-efficient toilets and motion-activated lights.

And more changes are coming.

Power at the base was out most of a recent Monday for installation of a new wireless gas and electric metering system. When completed, most large base buildings will have new meters transmitting detailed consumption information to a central server, said Lt. Commander Craig Shellerud, public works officer.

"We want to know when we are seeing the spikes in demand," said Nelson Wells, the installation energy manager for the base. "What time of day is the energy being used, what are they using. ... Once you know that, you get a better idea of how you can reduce your consumption."

The Fort Worth base has generally reduced its energy consumption from the mid-2000s, though spikes occur during extraordinarily hot summers or frigid winters, officials said.

"The elephant in the room is the weather," Wells said. "You can take all these steps toward energy efficiency, but you can't control an extremely hot summer."

In 2009, the base signed an energy savings performance contract with a company to provide more than $7 million in infrastructure upgrades.

Officials predicted that upgraded facilities would consume 34 percent less energy and that the project would pay for itself through $14 million in reduced energy demand and operational costs during the 15-year project term.

The conservation program in base housing was piloted three years ago in Hawaii and at Parris Island, S.C. It cut electricity usage by almost 10 percent and saved more than $1 million, which was to be reinvested to improve base homes and neighborhoods, the Navy said.

In Fort Worth, housing residents are currently receiving "mock bills" that show how their utility usage compares with average use for their type of housing. A buffer of about 10 percent is applied above and below that average. Residents whose usage is above the buffer will pay more; those under it will pay less. If their usage is within the buffer then they don't pay extra or get a rebate, Cowan said.

Electricity use already runs a little high in base housing because the units were built in the late 1940s and early 1950s and have little insulation.

But residents have taken the change in stride, Cowan said.

"I suppose once some have to start paying they may kick a little," he said. "But we'll come out and do a survey of the house to see what is sucking up electricity."

The base's efforts at green energy have produced varying results.

The Navy installed two small wind turbines to provide power for a warehouse but has no immediate plans to install more, Wells said. The location in the nearby river basin was not ideal, but the base was limited in other places to them.

"It's location, location, location," he said. "We couldn't really get the sustained wind to make them cost-effective."

Solar panels have been more successful. The Air Force, for example, uses them to power parking lot lights.

"We're moving in the right direction," Wells said. "We just have to looking for ways to save energy."

Alex Branch, 817-390-7689

Twitter: @albranch1


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Conservative leads in Cyprus presidential runoff

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) ? Conservative candidate Nicos Anastasiades was set to defeat his left-wing rival Stavros Malas by a wide margin in Cyprus' runoff presidential election Sunday, early official results showed, as Cypriots cast ballots for who will lead them through the country's financial crisis.

With more than 52 percent of the vote counted, Anastasiades had 57.73 percent of the vote, compared to Malas' 42.27 percent. A simple majority is needed for a win.

If confirmed, the margin of victory will be one of the largest for any candidate in 30 years. With the release earlier of exit polls that showed similar results, dozens of Anastasiades' supporters celebrated outside his campaign headquarters in the capital Nicosia, honking horns and waving flags.

The election comes at a crucial time. Cyprus faces the specter of financial meltdown, and the new president will be under pressure to quickly finalize a financial rescue package with the eurozone's other 16 countries and the International Monetary Fund.

He will face a tough battle convincing reluctant countries, especially Germany, that tiny Cyprus deserves help after its banks lost billions of euros on bad Greek debt.

Anastasiades has capitalized on what many feel were five years of failed left-wing rule under outgoing President Dimitris Christofias and his communist-rooted AKEL party ? which backs Malas ? that caused Cyprus' sorry economic state. The 66-year-old leader of the main opposition Democratic Rally party has boasted of his connections with Europe's center-right leaders and seeks to spend political capital he's built up over the years to convince Europe that Cyprus deserves help.

Last year, Cyprus sought financial assistance of up to ?17 billion ($22.7 billion), a sum roughly equivalent to its annual gross domestic product, which has raised concerns whether the country would be able to pay back any loan. The country has been unable to borrow from international markets since mid-2011, and turned to long-time ally Russia last year for a ?2.5 billion ($3.3 billion) loan to keep it afloat.

Cyprus, a divided island of around 1 million people in the far eastern end of the Mediterranean, is one of the smallest members of the 27-nation European Union and faces deep political and economic problems. The country has a presidential system of government, and the office carries a lot of power.

Cyprus has already enacted deep public sector wage cuts and tax hikes under a preliminary bailout agreement.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

3rd GE Global Innovation Barometer survey underlines ... - AME Info

The UAE is one of only two countries in the region where the study was conducted, highlighting GE's commitment to the country, which has identified innovation, knowledge and sustainable development as key drivers of its growth.

The only Arab country classified as an innovation-driven economy by the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 2012-13, the UAE is ranked 24th out of 144 globally in overall competitiveness.

In all 3,000 executives from 25 countries were surveyed with 73% of the respondents in the country stating that innovation, marked by improvement of products and services, had contributed to stronger business performance in the past.

Nabil Habayeb, GE's President & Chief Executive Officer for the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey, said: "In its third year now, the GE Global Innovation Barometer underlines the strategic importance that businesses in the UAE place on innovation. Quite significantly, UAE businesses demonstrate their openness to partnerships to drive innovation, with 88% of the respondents stating that their firms are increasingly looking at innovating through partnerships."

He added: "In other significant findings, UAE businesses feel that the government and public authorities are allocating an adequate share of budget to support innovative companies. A majority of the respondents, at 86%, state that SMEs and individuals can be as innovative as large corporations, highlighting the success of the UAE in promoting the SME sector, which contributes significantly to the non-oil GDP. The findings complement GE's growth approach to the UAE, where we are focused on building business partnerships, knowledge sharing and human capital development, which the country's business executives identify as key drivers to innovation."

Power of Collaboration

An overwhelming 91% of UAE respondents said they would be more successful at innovation through partnerships than by going about it alone - four points more than the global average of 87%.
? The UAE executives said partnerships are important to enter new markets (80%), access new technology (79%), speed up time to market (78%) and improve an existing product or service (75%)
? 72% said collaborations will help their businesses in benefiting from the partner company's sales force - 14 points higher than the global average
? Barriers to collaborative innovation, according to UAE respondents, are lack of protection of confidentiality/IP (58%) and lack of trust in partner companies (43%)

Innovation as Driver for Growth
81% of the UAE respondents said that understanding customers and anticipating market evolutions is the most important ability needed by businesses to innovate successfully
? 81% believe innovating on improving products and services will drive business performance
? Respondents said developing new technology (70%), creating an environment conducive to innovation (69%), and mining data inside and outside the company (62%) are key abilities businesses have to muster to innovate successfully
? 62% said localized innovation to meet domestic needs will play a key role in driving business performance

New Business Models and Talent Development
Reiterating the growing emphasis that UAE businesses place on innovation, the survey identified that 54% of the executives believe creating new business models is important to boost performance.
? 62% said attracting and retaining innovative people is another key driver for innovation
? While 58% of UAE business executives report that the country has a strong innovation-conducive environment, 54% expect decision-makers to encourage a stronger entrepreneurial culture in the education system through stronger linkages between students and business-savvy individuals
? 46% said creating financial environment that encourages the development of venture capital to support innovation is important

Although, UAE executives largely perceive innovation as a positive force and key economic driver, 45% of the respondents believe that with innovative practices creating more competition among businesses and making some products and services obsolete, it could have a negative impact on the economy in the long-run. This perception is shared by more business executives in the country than the global average of 30%.

This emerging "Innovation Vertigo" - an uneasiness with the changing dynamics of today's business landscape and uncertainty over the best path forward - is challenging leaders to think differently about how they will achieve growth. Many executives, however, seem to be embracing this complexity by exploring new and sometimes unexpected opportunities to innovate.

"Innovators must be resilient or risk being left behind," said Beth Comstock, senior vice president and chief marketing officer of GE.

"Change has become constant and we see leaders responding by betting big on more unconventional approaches to innovation to unlock growth. At GE, we are exploring different markets, partnerships structures and business models - all in the pursuit of uncovering new ways to better serve our customers and meet the world's biggest challenges head on."

The Barometer was commissioned by GE and conducted by independent research and consulting firm StrategyOne to explore how business leaders around the world view drivers and barriers to innovation and how those perceptions influence strategy.


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Sex Abuse Scandal Cardinal Heads to Rome to Vote for Pope

Mahony, who served as archbishop of the largest diocese in the country from 1985 to 2011, has been dogged by scandal for the better part of the last decade. His successor, Archbishop Jose Gomez, relieved him of all "administrative or public duties" in January of 2013 following the release of internal church records that suggest Mahony went to great lengths to cover up sexual abuse within his archdiocese.

The documents?totaling over 12,000 pages?were released by court order, despite the pleas of the church. The documents' findings include the revelation that Mahony and other Catholic authorities sent priests accused of abuse to other parishes and even out of the country in order to avoid investigations and prosecution. In at least one instance, according to the documents, Mahony interfered with a police investigation by advising subordinates not to grant law enforcement a list of altar boys. Gomez noted that he found the files to be "brutal and painful reading," and "the behavior described in these files is terribly sad and evil."

The Hollywood native?still enjoys some popularity because of his advocacy for progressive policies toward illegal immigrants and immigration reform.

Mahony is allowed to leave the country on the condition that he is deposed for a lawsuit that claims the church protected a priest accused of molesting children. Several Catholic publications and groups have expressed?outrage that Mahony plans to participate in the conclave at the end of the month. Yet, as of now, Mahony fits all the necessary qualifications to choose the next pope, and his vote is one of only 117.

Similarly, before the 2005 papal conclave, which culminated in the election of Joseph Ratzinger, controversy swirled around the participation of Cardinal Bernard Law. Law had resigned as archbishop of Boston after sixty-five boston parishes were shuttered due to serial sexual abuse by priests. Law participated in the conclave anyway.

As Mahony heads to the Vatican, he brings the air of scandal with him. His insistence on participating in the papal conclave inspired the New York Times to published the headline "Scandals and Intrigue Heat Up at Vatican Ahead of Papal Conclave" earlier Saturday. Scandals and intrigue have undermined the Catholic church for years, and so long as disgraced clergy are allowed to retain so much power, Catholics will only have themselves to blame.


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Off-Shore Oil Rigs Have Been "Incapacitated" By Malware Thanks To Pirated Music and Porn

Hacks have been popping up all over the place recently. Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, various news organizations. And off-shore oil rigs aren't to be left out. According to the Houston Chronicle, more than one of the things have been "incapacitated" by malware that can be traced back to the Internet's most common vices: pirated music and porn. More »


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UK downgrade pressures reluctant Osborne to change course

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's finance minister insisted on Saturday he would not change course after the loss of the country's 'AAA' credit rating but George Osborne is facing pressure to do just that as his bet on austerity falters ahead of the 2015 election.

Moody's dealt Britain its first sovereign rating downgrade on Friday, saying the $2.5 trillion economy faced years more sluggish growth and debt would continue to rise until 2016.

Economically the one-notch cut will have limited importance -- most of Europe, Japan and the United States have already suffered the same fate and Britain continues to borrow at historically low rates.

But politically it is toxic for Osborne who has repeatedly vowed to protect the top credit rating since the 2010 election campaign. The downgrade exposes him to opponents who say his failure to deliver economic growth is driving Prime Minister David Cameron towards electoral defeat.

Osborne said on Saturday the move by Moody's showed he was right to focus on restoring Britain to fiscal health, arguing that only by doing that will the conditions for growth be restored.

"I am absolutely determined to make sure we deal with our problems, to make sure that Britain stays the course, to make sure that it doesn't take from this credit rating the wrong message which is we should go and borrow a lot more," the 41-year-old Chancellor of the Exchequer said.

"I'm absolutely clear we're not going to do that."

For investors, the downgrade underscores Britain's predicament: a debt-ridden, stagnating economy which has kept bond yields low in large part thanks to the Bank of England becoming the world's biggest investor in UK government debt by buying it with newly printed money.

"Osborne no longer has any place to hide or anyone to blame," said David Blanchflower, who served on the Bank of England's interest rate setting committee from 2006 to 2009.

He said the minister should "stand up, be a man and accept responsibility for the worst recovery in 100 years" and, in a message on Twitter, suggested a swift cut to value-added tax, a labor tax holiday for workers under 25 and incentives for investment and hiring to kick start growth.

Osborne can take comfort from Moody's confidence that his austerity plan would eventually "reverse the UK's debt trajectory".

A Treasury official noted Moody's had given the UK's credit rating a stable outlook, meaning little chance of a further downgrade in the next 12-18 months. When the United States and France were downgraded, their outlooks remained negative.

But whether growth will return forcefully long enough before the 2015 election to allow voters to appreciate it is now highly uncertain.

Sterling fell by almost a cent to around $1.5160 after the downgrade, just off Thursday's fresh 2-1/2-year low. Analysts said they expected it to fall further on Monday.

Some of the Conservatives' Liberal Democrat coalition partners questioned the political judgment of attaching so much importance to Britain's AAA rating.

"This is a self-inflicted injury for George Osborne," said Matthew Oakeshott, a former Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman. "To be fair, he was very green in 2009 ... He foolishly erected triple-A status as a virility symbol."


Cameron, who led his Conservative Party back to office as part of a coalition government after 13 years out of power, risks another year of stagnation and giving his opponents and open goal to aim at.

The Labor Party - which left the biggest peacetime deficit when it lost the 2010 election - called for Osborne's head.

"The medicine is not working so the Chancellor says increase the dose - that's crazy economics. It is like an 18th-century doctor bleeding a patient as they get sicker and sicker," said Ed Balls, the party's main spokesman on finance issues.

But people close to Britain's most powerful two politicians say they are completely aligned. Osborne led Cameron's bid for leadership of the Conservatives and ran the 2010 election campaign. There is little or no chance of him being sacrificed or being forced into a humiliating policy U-turn which would wreck his career.

"Osborne has lots of critics, both inside and outside the party, who are now going to be emboldened by this, but there is no coherent alternative," said Tim Montgomerie, editor of the influential ConservativeHome website.

Though Labor is about 10 percentage points ahead of Conservative Party in polls, surveys show voters trust Cameron and Osborne more than Labor's leader Ed Miliband.


Osborne originally gambled that by slashing spending, growth rates of between 2 and 3 percent would kick in from 2013.

But with Britain's banks still recovering from the financial crisis and many of its main trading partners in Europe stuck in recession, his debt targets will be missed. His room for more spending is limited as he tries to avoid pushing up yields on Britain's 1.29 trillion pounds ($1.97 trillion) of debt.

With government spending so restricted, many investors' hopes lie with the Bank of England. Its governor, Mervyn King, this month voted to restart government-bond buying. Although in the minority, his change of heart suggested the bank may be closer than expected to pursuing more stimulus.

If Osborne slows his debt reduction plans, he could upset bond investors and throw his deficit targets further off course.

"We should stick to the plan," said Kwasi Kwarteng, a Conservative lawmaker. "The prime minister would not want to be seen to be panicking, and he's committed to keeping George Osborne where he is."

"But we do also need to look at growth," said Kwarteng, who suggested cutting corporation tax and red tape.

Business lobby the Confederation of British Industry has called for more investment on infrastructure and housing to be funded by more cuts in day-to-day spending. It also expects the government to guarantee more private-sector projects.

Osborne has a chance in his annual budget next month to deliver such tweaks to policy. ($1 = 0.6551 British pounds)

(Additional reporting by Mohammed Abbas and William Schomberg. Editing by Mike Peacock)


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Algerian gas plant in terror siege resumes work

(AP) ? A gas installation in Algeria that was the site of a terrorist attack last month that left 37 hostages dead partially resumed production Sunday, as the head of the state-owned energy company said he would request armed personnel for energy plants to help prevent future assaults on sites that can be hundreds of miles from the nearest city.

Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal started up one of three gas streams at the Ain Amenas site, bringing it up to about 35 percent capacity, according to state radio.

On Jan. 16, a band of al-Qaida affiliated militants attacked the Ain Amenas complex and took dozens of foreign workers hostage. After a four-day standoff, the Algerian army moved in and killed 29 attackers and captured three others. At least 37 hostages, including one Algerian worker, died in the battle.

The Ain Amenas facility is jointly run by BP, Algeria's Sonatrach and Norway's Statoil. Sunday marked the anniversary of Algeria's 1971 nationalization of its oil industry.

Andelhamid Zerguine, head of Sonatrach, said the attack highlighted security weaknesses that the state-owned company hoped to address, particularly the absence of armed personnel to protect installations.

"We carried out a review to try to determine where we could be stronger," he said.

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

SND34 Best of Digital Design: The Washington Post wins the ...


February 23rd, 2013

Click the image to view the winning entry.

Judges have awarded the first gold medal in this year?s competition to the Washington Post for its entry, ?Homicides in the District? in the data project (features), over 50,000,000 page views/month category.

Here?s what the judges had to say:

?This story showed a great depth of original reporting. The quadratic analysis that broke it down into equal squares is the perfect way to approach data that involves continuous space.?

?The use of proper GIS technique separates it from other crime sites, making it the best tool of its kind.?

?The straightforward language was neutral and easy for people to digest. It was really well organized.?

?It is perfect in terms of having a strong hierarchy and guiding you through the story and showing you what?s important.?

(Kyle Ellis?is a designer for CNN Digital in Atlanta and digital director for the Society for News Design.)


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Governors: Looming cuts threaten economic gains

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, center, seen with National Governors Association Chairman Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware, left, and Vice Chairman Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, speaks during the opening news conference of the NGA Winter Meeting in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. The nation's governors say their states are threatened if the automatic, across-the-board budget cuts, known as the sequester, take effect March 1. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, center, seen with National Governors Association Chairman Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware, left, and Vice Chairman Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, speaks during the opening news conference of the NGA Winter Meeting in Washington, Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. The nation's governors say their states are threatened if the automatic, across-the-board budget cuts, known as the sequester, take effect March 1. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, left, leads fellow Democratic Governors Associations members along the driveway of the West Wing of the White House in Washington, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013, following their meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. From left are, Shumlin, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, Vermont Gov. Maggie Hassan, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, center, accompanied by fellow members of the Democratic Governors Associations, speaks outside the White House in Washington, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013, following their meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. From left are, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, Virgin Islands Gov. John De Jongh, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, Hassan, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, center, accompanied by fellow members of the Democratic Governors Associations, looks up to the overcast sky, outside the White House in Washington, Feb. 22, 2013, following their meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. From left are, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, Virgin Island Gov. John de Jongh, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, Hickenlooper, New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, accompanied by other members of the Democratic Governors Associations, speaks outside the White House in Washington, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013, following their meeting with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? Washington's protracted budget stalemate could seriously undermine the economy and stall gains made since the recession, exasperated governors said Saturday as they try to gauge the fallout from impending federal spending cuts.

At the annual National Governors Association meeting, both Democrat and Republican chief executives expressed pessimism that both sides could find a way to avoid the massive, automatic spending cuts set to begin March 1, pointing to the impasse as another crisis between the White House and Congress that spooks local businesses from hiring and hampers their ability to construct state spending plans.

Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, a former congressman, noted that the cuts ? known in Washington-speak as "the sequester" ? could lead to 19,000 workers laid off at Pearl Harbor, site of the surprise attack in 1941 that launched the United States into World War II.

"That will undermine our capacity for readiness at Pearl Harbor. If that doesn't symbolize for the nation ... what happens when we fail to meet our responsibilities congressionally, I don't know what does," he said.

The budget fight came as many states say they are on the cusp of an economic comeback from the financial upheaval in 2008 and 2009. States expect their general fund revenues this year to surpass the amounts collected before the Great Recession kicked in. An estimated $693 billion in revenues is expected for the 2013 budget year, nearly a 4 percent over the previous year.

At their weekend meetings, governors were focusing on ways to boost job development and grow their state economies, measures to restrict gun violence and implement the new health care law approved during Obama's first term.

Some Republican governors have blocked the use of Medicaid to expand health insurance coverage for millions of uninsured while others have joined Democrats in a wholesale expansion as the law allows. The Medicaid expansion aims to cover about half of the 30 million uninsured people expected to eventually gain coverage under the health care overhaul.

Yet for many governors, the budget-cut fight remains front-and-center and fuels a pervasive sense of frustration with Washington.

"My feeling is I can't help what's going on in Washington," Gov. Terry Branstad, R-Iowa, said in an interview Saturday. "I can't help the fact that there's no leadership here, and it's all politics as usual and gridlock. But I can do something about the way we do things in the state of Iowa."

Indeed, right now no issue carries the same level of urgency as the budget impasse.

Congressional leaders have indicated a willingness to let the cuts take effect and stay in place for weeks, if not much longer.

The cuts would trim $85 billion in domestic and defense spending, leading to furloughs for hundreds of thousands of workers at the Transportation Department, Defense Department and elsewhere.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said the cuts would harm the readiness of U.S. fighting forces.

The looming cuts were never supposed to happen. They were intended to be a draconian fallback intended to ensure a special deficit reduction committee would come up with $1 trillion or more in savings from benefit programs. It didn't.

"We should go back and remember that sequestration was originally designed by both the administration and Congress as something so odious, so repellent, that it would force both sides to a compromise. There can't be any question, this is something that nobody wants," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat.

Obama has stepped up efforts to tell the public about the cuts' negative impact and pressure Republicans who oppose his approach of reducing deficits through a combination of targeted savings and tax increases. House Republicans have said reduced spending needs to be the focus and have rejected the president's fresh demand to include higher taxes as part of a compromise.

Governors said they are asking the Obama administration for more flexibility to deal with some of the potential cuts.

"We know that the cuts are coming, but we also don't want to suffer disproportionately," said Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, a Democrat and chairman of the National Governors Association.

"We're just saying that as you identify federal cuts and savings, allow the states to be able to realize those savings, too," said Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican and the association's vice chairwoman. "Give us the flexibility to be able to make the cuts where we think it will be the less harm to our citizens."


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