Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another Angry Soul Misses The Boat! - Internet Network Marketing ...

Be Kind And Share :)


You know your out there placing solo ads, writing blog post, making videos, writing articles and your still wondering if it?s worth it? If any of it really matters? Your business isn?t building it looks pretty bleak right?

While most times you only hear about success stories, there are more stories of people who got discouraged and just gave up. You don?t hear their stories, that?s because nobody cares.

Ya It?s sorta harsh to say, but nobody cares about that you where defeated, that you failed, that you couldn?t hack it online.? Just the other day, I got a email from a disgruntled subscriber on my list.

This was the exact message he sent me:

I have a family. No time for wild goose chases. I need hard proof not big
fantasy numbers. Give me the system for free for a month if it works Ill
pay for it and endorse it like crazy. Lets see how limited your beliefs
are.. (Annoyed Subscriber)

In the all my years breathing the air on this planet, I have never heard about a *real business where you can get it for free. Now I have never had direct contact with this person, come to think about it, I don?t even know who he is (or care to know who he is really).

But it is that person and the thousands of people like him that make up the population of failures online. It?s that mentality.

I did reply back to him, I always make a real effort to respond to all my emails, though sometimes it?s difficult because I do get a lot..

?Anyhow this is what I said back to him

Hi I totally agree with you I don?t have time for fantasy?

Any numbers I share with you, anything that other members have made in
empower network is not fantasy?

In fact in the years I have been marketing I have never been part of a
business that has the community, integrity, compensation that empower network does.


My name isn?t David Wood, I have no power to give you the ?system? I paid
for for free.. Sorry buddy..

I can also tell that you don?t have the time, patience to build a solid
business online. So you can do both of us a favor
and just pass this one up..

Maybe eventually you will find something that is more realistic for you
and your needs..

Have an Awesome Day!


He replied back with this!

Lol that?s funny. A challenge but I won?t take bait. I got the time for
business. Just not fake business. (disgruntled human being)


I regularly throughout the years have gotten emails from people like that.? When I first got into business online they use to upset me because I really from my heart have always done the best I could do by the people that put their faith in me.

Being in business for myself for years has giving me a little thicker skin?

..Anyways I?ll share with you my fantasy money I made from my fantasy business this week :)

Business Building

Earnings Disclosure

If your interested In earning *real money online in a *real business where YOU come first!

Business Building


3 Weird Marketing Tricks

This Is How You Get People To Buy From You (And You Will Love It)

Your Privacy is SAFE, Spam Sucks I wouldn't insult you that way :)


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