Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to give a smashing speech ? Business Management Daily ...

Public speaking can be a real challenge, but these five tips can make your next presentation a smashing success, says Dave Carroll, a singer, author and speaker.

  1. Be yourself. Don?t try to act like someone else. Just be you because authenticity is powerful.
  2. Believe in your story. Know that your story is worthy of being told and being heard by an audience.
  3. Learn about your audience. Do some research about the people you?ll be speaking to and tailor your presentation to them.
  4. Make your presentation flow. Be sure that it starts and ends on a strong note and has various levels of intensity in between.
  5. Tell your story. Stories are what will connect you with your audience.

? Adapted from ?5 tips for delivering a killer presentation,? Dave Carroll, iMedia Connection.

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