Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Relative Humidity Levels Can Improve Air Quality in Your ...

Since we spend the majority of our time indoors, it?s important to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment?and that includes maintaining proper humidity levels all year long.

Inadequate Humidity Levels

Insufficient moisture in the air can lead to a variety of problems, including dry and bleeding noses, sore throats, cracked and itchy skin, breathing problems, dust buildup, static electricity, and cracks and dried-out joints in wood furniture and musical instruments. ?Older and less energy-efficient homes are the more likely breeding grounds for less comfortable humidity levels.

Excessive Humidity Levels

When there is too much moisture in your home, wet air can get trapped in corners, basements, and other closed areas. ?You?re more likely to notice this in your bathrooms, kitchen, and basements than anywhere else in your home.? In these areas, moisture frequently gathers and creates mildew that is often difficult to remove.

Condensation can also accumulate on and around in windows, causing water to drip down the window and, as a result, wooden frames to rot.

Excess moisture can provide a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold (which can be harmful to your health if left unchecked), and also makes your home more inviting for pest and insects such as cockroaches and termites.

Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier & Dehumidifier

A combined, whole-house humidification and dehumidification system is installed inside your duct work.? The system automatically adjusts itself to maintain the most comfortable relative humidity levels, typically between 40 and 60 percent.

In the process, you can expect to save 5% or more on your annual fuel bill. You?ll also add greatly to your family?s indoor comfort while helping to prevent and control problems with asthma, allergies, colds and flus, and more.

Where do the energy savings come from? Cold air is dry, and in dry air, moisture evaporates from your skin. That, in turn, tends to cool you off.? So, by setting the thermostat at 69? with a relative humidity of 35%, you?ll feel just as warm as you would in 72? air with 19% relative humidity.

Bottom line, you want to dehumidify your home in warm weather, and add humidity when it?s cold.

To learn more, or to request a free quote, contact the home comfort professionals at Altrol Heating & Cooling today.

Click here to schedule service now

Source: http://www.altrolinc.com/2012/08/the-relative-humidity-levels-can-improve-air-quality-in-your-fairbanks-home-or-business/

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