Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jermaine drama makes 'Idol' No. 1 for readers

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"Gentle Giant" Jermaine Jones wasn't quite so smiley after getting disqualified from " Idol" on Wednesday.

By Anna Chan

You know "American Idol" has gotten to the good part of its season when readers can't get enough of the stories and recaps. But to be fair, there was a decent amount of drama to help make two stories about the show the most read Clicker posts this week.

No surprise, the disqualification of Jermaine Jones from the competition was our No. 1 story. The combination of surprise, "Idol" and dirty details about unlawful activities and active arrest warrants kept readers clicking -- and chatting on our Facebook page about when/if contestants should be disqualified.

"Gentle Giant? Not hardly," wrote reader Sue Baldwin. "The article stated that the crimes involved violence. He is world-class creepy and he sings like he swallowed a frog. Good riddance!"

"His record should not disqualify him. It has no connection with his talent," wrote Thomas K. Wukitsch.?"Participation in the show might have rehabilitated him if he were allowed to continue."

"You shouldn't have to pay the rest of your life for mistakes, but if you lied about it to get further on the show than yes he should be disqualified," wrote Russell Pluss.


The second hottest topic with readers this week? Contestant Colton Dixon and his love for God. The 20-year-old told us that even though "Idol" producers had warned him that his talk about his spirituality on Twitter(and there's been?quite?a bit)?might cost him the win, he's not going to stop. "Being a Christian is who I am. ?It is a part of me musically," Colton told us.

Many readers applauded his conviction to be true to himself and his beliefs on our?Facebook page.

"Wow! How wonderful! Thank you for standing in your faith and not allowing the things of this world to shake your faith," wrote Sheila Schmauch.

"I am certainly rooting for Colton because he is talented and I totally respect him for being true to who he is. I wish more people were like that. Good for you Colton. You will surely be blessed for what you are doing," wrote Betty Cosby.

But not everyone agreed.

"In my opinion American Idol is not the place to bring your religion," wrote Don Wheeler. "Religion has it's place but not on AI. He will be eliminated with in the next week or so. What would people think if each person started expressing their religion? Wouldn't it be just as fair for non believers to express their views?"

What other TV stories caught your attention this week? Tell us on our Facebook page!



Want more details on the five?biggest TV stories in The Clicker this week? Read them!

  1. Jermaine Jones disqualified from 'American Idol'
  2. 'Idol' producers warn Colton that faith talk could hurt his chances
  3. Is 'Bachelor' Ben still with his forever fiancee today?
  4. A bad night on 'Idol' for more than just DQ'd Jermaine Jones
  5. HBO suspends filming of horses after third death on 'Luck'


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