Friday, May 24, 2013

Japan stocks extend dive on bond volatility, China data; Nikkei Average off 4.5%

By V. Phani Kumar, MarketWatch

HONG KONG (MarketWatch) ? Japanese shares suffered their worst losses in more than two years on Thursday after data showing an unexpected contraction in Chinese manufacturing activity added to worries the Federal Reserve could downscale its bond purchases.

The Nikkei Stock Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:NIK -7.32% , which had jumped 2% earlier on Thursday, ended the day 7.3% lower in a spectacular turnaround. The drop is the Nikkei?s worst single-day loss since March 15, 2011. The benchmark?s closing level was nearly 1,460 points from the day?s peak.

The slump came after a surge in Japanese government bond yields, which forced the Bank of Japan to offer 2 trillion yen ($19 billion) in funds to calm investor nerves. The central bank announced the fund-supplying operation after 10-year JGB yields soared to their highest level in more than a year, citing ?the unreasonable increase? in volatility.

?Volatility is in full force today, and nowhere more so than Japan,? said Chris Weston, chief market strategist at IG Markets.

?The move in the cash market looks largely driven by the futures market, with Osaka futures getting smashed. What?s more, there were monster volumes... Perhaps this is a function of the higher yields and it?s something that needs to be addressed for ?Abenomics? to really work,? he said.

Abenomics refers to the economic policies under the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The massive reversal for Tokyo stocks came in the afternoon trading session, after preliminary results of HSBC?s China manufacturing Purchasing Managers? Index for May dropped to a seven-month low of 49.6.

The volatility also followed choppy moves in Treasurys overnight, and a sharp pullback for stocks on Wall Street. Those moves came in the wake of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke?s remarks Wednesday that the central bank could begin to wind down its bond purchases in the ?next few meetings.? Similar signals also emerged from the Fed?s last policy-meeting minutes.

Other regional markets also hit

Also taking big losses in Asia, Hong Kong?s Hang Seng Index /quotes/zigman/2622475 HK:HSI -2.39% tumbled 2.5% in afternoon trading, while Australia?s S&P/ASX 200 /quotes/zigman/1653884 AU:XJO -1.99% ?skidded 2%.

Taiwan?s Taiex /quotes/zigman/1652118 KR:SEU -1.24% lost 1.9%, and South Korea?s Kospi /quotes/zigman/1652118 KR:SEU -1.24% ?fell 1.2% as the China PMI reading ? which was below the 50-point threshold that separates improvement from deterioration in factory conditions, and also lower than the expected result of 50.4 ? added to fears about growth momentum in the world?s second-largest economy.

?A sequential slowdown is likely in the middle of [the second quarter], casting downside risk to China?s fragile growth recovery,? said HSBC chief China economist Hongbin Qu.

Singapore?s Straits Times Index /quotes/zigman/1709939 SG:STI -1.96% ?lost 2%, even though the local economy unexpectedly expanded 1.8% on an annualized basis in the first quarter from the preceding three months.

The Shanghai Composite Index /quotes/zigman/1859015 CN:000001 -1.12% ?was itself off 1.1% in afternoon trading, weighed down amid the regional losses. The benchmark had briefly edged higher earlier in the day, recovering from losses posted before the HSBC PMI release.

Kim Eng Securities head of sales trading Andrew Sullivan said he doubted the data would lead any significant downgrades to estimates on Chinese economic growth, as a number of brokerages had already cut their outlook. ?But people will be watching for any government announcements of stimulus spending, which would be taken as positive,? he said.

The plunge in Japanese shares, combined with fears that the Chinese economy was losing momentum, also hurt U.S. stock futures, risk currencies and commodities.


JP : Nikkei Idx

Volume: 0.00

May 23, 2013 3:00p


HK : HangSeng Ind

Volume: 0.00

May 23, 2013 3:01p


AU : Australia: Sydney

Volume: 0.00

May 23, 2013 4:10p


KR : S. Korea: KRX

Volume: 338.16M

May 23, 2013 3:02p


KR : S. Korea: KRX

Volume: 338.16M

May 23, 2013 3:02p


SG : Singapore: SGX

Volume: 0.00

May 23, 2013 3:16p


CN : China: Shanghai

Volume: 124.02M

May 23, 2013 3:00p


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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cockroaches evolving to evade traps

Dr Coby Schal: The cockroaches spit out the glucose "like a baby rejects spinach"

A strain of cockroaches in Europe has evolved to outsmart the sugar traps used to eradicate them.

American scientists found that the mutant cockroaches had a "reorganised" sense of taste, making them perceive the glucose used to coat poisoned bait not as sweet but rather as bitter.

A North Carolina State University team tested the theory by giving cockroaches a choice of jam or peanut butter.

They then analysed the insects' taste receptors, similar to our taste buds.

Researchers from the same team first noticed 20 years ago that some pest controllers were failing to eradicate cockroaches from properties, because the insects were simply refusing to eat the bait.

Continue reading the main story

Clever pests

  • There are about 4,600 species of cockroach and fewer than 30 of these are considered pests. (There are about 5,400 species of mammals)
  • The world's smallest cockroach is only 0.3mm long and lives in ant nests
  • The heaviest cockroach is the huge Australian Rhinoceros Cockroach at 8cm in length

Source: Natural History Museum

Dr Coby Schal explained in the journal Science that this new study had revealed the "neural mechanism" behind this refusal.

Jam v peanut butter

In the first part of the experiment, the researchers offered the hungry cockroaches a choice of two foods - peanut butter or glucose-rich jam [known as jelly is the US].

"The jelly contains lots of glucose and the peanut butter has a much smaller amount," explained Dr Schal.

"You can see the mutant cockroaches taste the jelly and jump back - they're repulsed and they swarm over the peanut butter."

In the second part of the experiment, the team was able to find out exactly why the cockroaches were so repulsed.

The scientists immobilised the cockroaches and used tiny electrodes to record the activity of taste receptors - cells that respond to flavour that are "housed" in microscopic hairs on the insects' mouthparts

"The cells that normally respond to bitter compounds were responding to glucose in these [mutant] cockroaches," said Dr Schal.

"So they're perceiving glucose to be a bitter compound.

"The sweet-responding cell does also fire, but the bitter compound actually inhibits it - so the end result is that bitterness overrides sweetness."

Highly magnified footage of these experiments clearly shows a glucose-averse cockroach reacting to a dose of the sugar.

"It behaves like a baby that rejects spinach," explained Dr Schal.

"It shakes its head and refuses to imbibe that liquid, at the end, you can see the [glucose] on the side of the head of the cockroach that has refused it."

Continue reading the main story

Natural selection in action

The process of natural selection would strongly favour any chance genetic change that caused a cockroach to avoid the bait and therefore death. Since individuals with the trait would have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing, their descendants with the trait would in time replace those that lacked the trait in the cockroach population.

This is the same process that has led to the evolution of antibiotic resistance in disease-causing bacteria, and warfarin resistance in rats.

The discovery of natural selection was one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time and this year sees worldwide celebrations commemorating the 100th anniversary of the death of Alfred Russel Wallace, the naturalist who co-discovered natural selection with Charles Darwin in 1858.

Dr Elli Leadbeater from the Institute of Zoology in London said the work was exciting.

"Usually, when natural selection changes taste abilities, it simply makes animals more or less sensitive to certain taste types.

"For example, bees that specialise on collecting nectar are less sensitive to sugar than other bees, which means that they only collect concentrated nectar. Evolution has made sugar taste less sweet to them, but they still like it.

"In the cockroach case, sugar actually tastes bitter - an effective way for natural selection to quickly produce cockroaches that won't accept the sugar baits that hide poison."

Dr Schal said this was another chapter in the evolutionary arms race between humans and cockroaches.

"We keep throwing insecticides at them and they keep evolving mechanisms to avoid them," he said.

"I have always had incredible respect for cockroaches," he added. "They depend on us, but they also take advantage of us."


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Small, speedy plant-eater extends knowledge of dinosaur ecosystems

May 22, 2013 ? Dinosaurs are often thought of as large, fierce animals, but new research highlights a previously overlooked diversity of small dinosaurs. In the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, a team of paleontologists from the University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, Cleveland Museum of Natural History and University of Calgary have described a new dinosaur, the smallest plant-eating dinosaur species known from Canada. Albertadromeus syntarsus was identified from a partial hind leg, and other skeletal elements, that indicate it was a speedy runner. Approximately 1.6 m (5 ft) long, it weighed about 16 kg (30 lbs), comparable to a large turkey.

Albertadromeus lived in what is now southern Alberta in the Late Cretaceous, about 77 million years ago. Albertadromeus syntarsus means "Alberta runner with fused foot bones." Unlike its much larger ornithopod cousins, the duckbilled dinosaurs, its two fused lower leg bones would have made it a fast, agile two-legged runner. This animal is the smallest known plant-eating dinosaur in its ecosystem, and researchers hypothesize that it used its speed to avoid predation by the many species of meat-eating dinosaurs that lived at the same time.

Albertadromeus was discovered in 2009 by study co-author David Evans of the Royal Ontario Museum as part an on-going collaboration with Michael Ryan of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History to investigate the evolution of dinosaurs in the Late Cretaceous of North America. The known dinosaur diversity of this time period is dominated by large bodied plant-eating dinosaurs.

Why are so few small-bodied dinosaurs known from North America some 77 million years ago? Smaller animals are less likely to be preserved than larger ones, because their bones are more delicate and are often destroyed before being fossilized. "We know from our previous research that there are preservational biases against the bones of these small dinosaurs," said Caleb Brown of the University of Toronto, lead author of the study. "We are now starting to uncover this hidden diversity, and although skeletons of these small ornithopods are both rare and fragmentary, our study shows that these dinosaurs were more abundant in their ecosystems than previously thought."

The reason for our relatively poor understanding of these small dinosaurs is a combination of the taphonomic processes (those related to decay and preservation) described above, and biases in the way that material has been collected. Small skeletons are more prone to destruction by carnivores, scavengers and weathering processes, so fewer small animals are available to become fossils and smaller animals are often more difficult to find and identify than those of larger animals.

"Albertadromeus may have been close to the bottom of the dinosaur food chain but without dinosaurs like it you'd not have giants like T. rex," said Michael Ryan. "Our understanding of the structure of dinosaur ecosystems is dependent on the fossils that have been preserved. Fragmentary, but important, specimens like that of Albertadromeus suggest that we are only beginning to understand the shape of dinosaur diversity and the structure of their communities."

"You can imagine such small dinosaurs filling the niche of animals such as rabbits and being major, but relatively inconspicuous, members of their ecological community" said Anthony Russell of the University of Calgary.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Caleb Marshall Brown, David C. Evans, Michael J. Ryan, Anthony P. Russell. New data on the diversity and abundance of small-bodied ornithopods (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Belly River Group (Campanian) of Alberta. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2013; 33 (3): 495 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2013.746229

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.


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Watch Phil on All About Android episode 110!

All About Android

Miss it live earlier today? Fear not, the recorded version is now available for everyone to watch

Just in case you missed it, the folks over at All About Android on the TWiT network were nice enough to have our very own Phil Nickinson on for their weekly show tonight. All of the fun and Android talk went down earlier today live, but fear not as the recorded version has just been put up to watch. Phil joined Jason Howell, Ron Richards and Gina Trapani to talk about Google I/O, Google Glass and everything else that has happened in the last week.

Swing on over to the link below to watch or download the full hour and half of Android goodness.

More: All About Android Episode 110 on TWiT



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Enzyme-activating antibodies revealed as marker for most severe form of rheumatoid arthritis

May 22, 2013 ? In a series of lab experiments designed to unravel the workings of a key enzyme widely considered a possible trigger of rheumatoid arthritis, researchers at Johns Hopkins have found that in the most severe cases of the disease, the immune system makes a unique subset of antibodies that have a disease-promoting role.

Reporting in the journal Science Translational Medicine online May 22, the Johns Hopkins team describes how it found the novel antibodies to peptidylarginine deiminase 4, or PAD4, in blood samples from people with aggressive inflammation and connective tissue damage.

Researchers say the presence of so-called PAD3/PAD4 cross-reactive autoantibodies could serve as the basis for the first antibody-specific diagnostic test to distinguish those with severe rheumatoid arthritis from those with less aggressive forms of the disease.

"Identifying early on a subset of patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis could benefit their health, as these patients could start aggressive drug therapy immediately and find the most effective treatment option," says senior study investigator Antony Rosen, M.D. Rosen, director of rheumatology and the Mary Betty Stevens Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, says that a third, or 1 million of the more than 3 million Americans -- mostly women -- estimated to have rheumatoid arthritis have an aggressive form of the disease.

In the study, the antibodies were present -- in 18 percent of 44 fluid samples from one research collection and in 12 percent of another collection of 194 -- but only in people with severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Past research shows that those with the most aggressive disease are less likely to respond to anti-inflammatory treatments with steroids and other drugs.

An examination of patients' medical records revealed that 80 percent of patients with the antibody saw their disease worsen over the previous year, while only 53 percent without the antibody showed disease progression. In comparing average scores of disease-damaged joints, researchers found that those with the antibody had an average deterioration in joints and bones by a score of 49. Those without the antibody had an average degradation in their score of 7.5, indicating much milder disease.

In a related finding, the Johns Hopkins team also uncovered how the PAD3/PAD4 cross-reactive auto-antibodies might contribute to more severe, erosive disease in rheumatoid arthritis. The team performed a series of experiments to gauge the antibodies' effects on PAD4 in response to varying cell levels of calcium, on which PAD enzymes depend.

Lab experiments showed that the antibodies greatly increase PAD4 enzyme function at the low levels of calcium normally present in human cells. Results showed that PAD4 activity was 500 times greater in the presence of antibodies than when they were absent. Tests of the antibody and enzymes' chemical structures later showed that the antibodies bind to PAD4 in the same region as calcium, suggesting to researchers that the antibodies might be substituting for calcium in activating the enzyme.

According to Rosen, the series of experiments, which took two years to complete, represents the first evidence of an antibody having a direct role in generating the targets of the immune response, or auto-antigens, in rheumatoid arthritis.

"Our results suggest that drugs inhibiting the PAD4 enzyme may have real benefit in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis and represent an important field of study for investigating new and alternative treatments," says lead study investigator and biologist Erika Darrah, Ph.D.

Darrah says the team next plans long-term monitoring of arthritis sufferers to find out when the antibody first appears in the blood, and when intervention may have maximum impact in preventing or stalling disease progression. The team also plans further experiments to see if the antibody is taking control of the chemical pathways normally used by other cell proteins to control PAD4 sensitivity to calcium.

Funding support for this study was provided by the National Institutes of Health, and corresponding grant number T32-AR048522; the American College of Rheumatology; the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation; and Sibley Memorial Hospital.

In addition to Rosen and Darrah, other Johns Hopkins researchers involved in this study were Jon Giles, M.D.; Michelle Ols, Ph.D.; and Felipe Andrade, M.D., Ph.D. Additional research assistance was provided by enzymologist Herbert Bull, Ph.D.


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Study reveals how fishing gear can cause slow death of whales

May 21, 2013 ? Using a "patient monitoring" device attached to a whale entangled in fishing gear, scientists showed for the first time how fishing lines changed a whale's diving and swimming behavior. The monitoring revealed how fishing gear hinders whales' ability to eat and migrate, depletes their energy as they drag gear for months or years, and can result in a slow death.

The scientists in this entanglement response suction-cupped a cellphone-size device called a Dtag to a two-year-old female North Atlantic right whale called Eg 3911. The Dtag, developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), recorded Eg 3911's movements before, during, and after at-sea disentanglement operations.

Immediately after Eg 3911 was disentangled from most of the fishing gear, she swam faster, dove twice as deep, and for longer periods. The study, by scientists at WHOI, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and NOAA Fisheries, was published online May 21 in the journal Marine Mammal Science.

"The Dtag opened up a whole new world of Eg 3911's life under water that otherwise we weren't able to see," said Julie van der Hoop, lead author of the study and a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography.

North Atlantic right whales were nearly eradicated by whaling and remain endangered today, with a population of 450 to 500. About 75 percent bear scars of fishing lines that cut into their flesh.

Born in 2009, Eg 3911 was first sighted entangled and emaciated by an aerial survey team on Christmas Day 2010, near Jacksonville, Florida. Fishing gear was entangled around her mouth, wrapped around both pectoral fins, and trailed about 100 feet behind her tail.

Teams aboard boats attempted to cut away the fishing gear on Dec. 29 and 30, 2010, but were not successful because the whale was evasive. A multiagency team tried again on Jan. 15, 2011. First, they applied a Dtag. Then they administered a carefully calculated sedative with a dart gun developed for large whale drug delivery by Paxarms NZ in collaboration with Dr. Michael Moore, director of the Marine Mammal Center at WHOI and a marine mammal veterinarian. The becalmed whale allowed the team to approach and remove nearly all the fishing gear.

The Dtag measured 152 dives that Eg 3911 took over six hours. There were no significant differences in depth or duration of dives after sedation, but "the whale altered its behavior immediately following disentanglement," the scientists reported. "The near-complete disentanglement of Eg 3911 resulted in significant increases in dive duration and depth."

"Together, the effects of added buoyancy, added drag, and reduced swimming speed due to towing accessory gear pose many threats to entangled whales," the scientists wrote. Buoyant gear may overwhelm animals' ability to descend to depths to forage on preferred prey. Increased drag can reduce swimming speeds, delaying whales' timely arrival to feeding or breeding grounds. "Most significant, however, is the energy drain associated with added drag," they said.

To calculate that drain, the scientists, in a separate experiment, towed three types of fishing gear from a skiff, using tensiometers to measure the drag forces acting on Eg 3911. They then calculated how much more energy whales would require to compensate for the drag. The results: Entangled whales have significantly higher energy demands, requiring 70 to 102 percent more power to swim at the same speed unentangled; or alternatively, they need to slow down their swimming speed by 16 to 20.5 percent.

The study provides the first data on the behavioral impacts of sedation and disentanglement and the energetic cost of entanglement in fishing gear due to drag.

On Feb. 1, 2011, an aerial survey observed Eg 3911 dead at sea.

"She didn't make it," van der Hoop said. The whale was towed ashore for a necropsy. "We showed up on the beach that night. I remember walking out there and seeing this huge whale, or what I thought was huge. She was only 10 meters long. She was only two years old. And all these people who had been involved in her life at some point, were there to learn from her what entanglement had caused."

The necropsy showed that effects of the chronic entanglement were the cause of death.

"No fisherman wants to catch a whale, and I wish no fisherman a hungry day," said Moore. "There needs to be a targeted assessment of how the fishery can still be profitable while deploying less gear so we can reduce the risk of marine mammals encountering fishing gear in the first place. At WHOI, we have hosted workshops talking with fisheries managers and fishermen about what might change so that they can continue to catch fish and stop catching whales."


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Senate panel looks at IRS targeting (CNN)

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WXIN-TV Fox59 names Kerri Cavanaugh as news director | Fox 59 ...

INDIANAPOLIS, May 21, 2013?Today WXIN-TV/WTTV-TV Vice President and General Manager Larry Delia announces that Kerri Cavanaugh will be joining FOX59 as News Director beginning June 17, 2013. Cavanaugh comes to WXIN-TV from WXMI-TV, Tribune Broadcasting?s FOX affiliate in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she has been News Director since 2010.

?Kerri brings a wealth of news experience and leadership from several markets and I am thrilled to have her now take the helm of the FOX59 News franchise,? says Delia. ?Her proven ability to launch newscasts, grow ratings, and mentor talent will be extremely valuable as FOX59 continues to build on its ratings success.?

While at WXMI, Cavanaugh oversaw the addition of five additional news hours, launching a 5 p.m. newscast, plus a four-hour weekend morning newscast just two months ago. She was also instrumental in overhauling the station?s breaking news and weather coverage across all digital platforms, including social media. Her efforts saw a 220 percent increase in Facebook followers in one year alone.

?I?m honored to join the staff at FOX59,? said Cavanaugh. ?The station has seen tremendous growth in recent years, producing by far the most local news in the market.? It is quickly becoming the go-to place for breaking news and weather coverage.? I?m eager to work with such a dedicated team and continue to build on its success.?

Before her tenure at WXMI-TV, Cavanaugh was the News Director at Tribune Broadcasting?s WSFL-TV in Fort Lauderdale, and collaborated daily with Tribune Publishing?s Fort Lauderdale-based newspaper, the Sun-Sentinel. In 2010, Cavanaugh oversaw the station?s local coverage for Super Bowl XLIV, held in Miami.

Prior to WSFL, Cavanaugh rose through the ranks from news producer to Senior Executive Producer at WFTS-TV in Tampa. While at WFTS, Cavanaugh was awarded the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Breaking News Coverage plus six Associated Press and Society for Professional Journalists awards.? Cavanaugh has also held positions at WPEC-TV in West Palm Beach, Florida, and WDBB-TV in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Cavanaugh holds a B.A in Broadcast News and Speech Communication from the University of Alabama.


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Closer than you know

It was one of those comfortably warm days, with a light wispy breeze. The kind that you could stay out all day and not worry about getting burnt or too hot. A large car pulled up to one of the houses on the street and a tall woman stepped out of the car slowly a warm smile on her face. Shutting the driver side door she walked to the otherside of the car and opened the door carefully holding her hand out she spoke slowly.

" come on Ali.... We're home.....this....home" she said wiggling her fingers trying to intice her son out of the car. Ali looked at the large house with interest his eyes full of curiosity. He took his mothers hand gently his grip not really sure of stepping out of the vehicle. After gently coaxing Ali out of the car they both walked slowly Ali's mother supporting his back since Ali wasn't that keen on walking having spent most of the hours in a day in a wheelchair.

Walking slowly Ali kept his eyes on the floor concentrating on walking both of his hands held onto his mothers arms tightly. " home" he mumbled softly nodding to himself as he walked stopping at the door he tilted his head. His eyes focused on the glass panels showing brightly coloured flowers and birds. Ali liked bright colours as well as textures so he could see and feel them.

Opening the door slowly Ali's mother helped him up the step and lead him to the living room where some of Ali's toys and his book which contained pictures of things so he could point to them, it was Ali's form of communication at the moment aside from him saying a few words like 'mom', 'dad','yes' and 'no'. But with Ali being home now it was a hope that Ali would speak and learn new things that a normal teenager should do.

" good boy you sit here and we will wait for Dad to come back with everything you need" she sat Ali down in a large chair that held Ali in an upright position incase Ali became unstable when he tried to move a certain way. Ali sat down his fingers feeling the texture of the chair it was softer that the one in the hospital. He smiled and clapped his hands together softly he looked out of the window at the trees. His mother watched him for a while and smiled she was glad her son was home and safe, away from the hospital, his new life was begining and he had to meet his brother yet. His mother and father had explained to Ali about his brother and showed him pictures, although they weren't sure how much Ali understood.

~There's only now, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss~ - RENT

~ If at first you don't succed, Destroy all evidence that you tried ~


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Arduino Yun weds Arduino, WiFi and linux at Maker Faire 2013

Arduino Yun weds Arduino, WiFi and linux at Maker Faire 2013

The Arduino Robot wasn't the only interesting product the Italian company launched at Maker Faire this past weekend. Arduino Yún combines a Leonardo board (featuring Atmel's ATmega32u4) with a MIPS-based WiFi SoC (Atheros AR9331) running Limino (an OpenWRT / linux derivative). It includes everything you'd expect from a Leonardo board plus WiFi, wired Ethernet, a USB host port and a microSD card slot. The Arduino side can be programmed wirelessly and communicates with the WiFi SoC via SPI and UART interfaces using the new Bridge Library, which delegates networking to the linux side. Out of the box, the board behaves just like any standard WiFi access point with a full web interface -- it even allows SSH access. Arduino Yún is the first of a family of WiFI-enabled products and will be available late June for $69. Check out the gallery below for some closeup shots, and follow the source for more details.

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Source: Arduino blog


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Xbox Studios will release 15 exclusive One titles in the first year, eight new franchises

Xbox will release 15 exclusive titles in the first year of One, eight are new franchises

A number of launch titles have been mentioned at the Xbox One reveal event, but Microsoft Studios announced that it has more titles in development now than ever before. In fact, 15 exclusive Xbox One titles will launch in its first year and eight of those are brand-new franchises. Of course, we're still not exactly sure when that countdown will be begin, but perhaps we'll catch a glimpse of the software goods in a few days at E3.

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What You Need To Know About Special Education Tutoring ? Hot ...

Not everyone are born normal, a great number of kids are born with mental disabilities that hinders them to live normally or have the mentally that regular kids have. Indeed, these children needs more attention and support than the usual but that does not mean it takes away their right to be properly educated. With special education tutoring, these kids may have the chance to live normally again.

From the name itself, this type of program is for children that have special needs and need more attention and support. More so, this method of teaching is special as it focuses not only in teaching but approach are rather individualized depending on what the student really need. Even with disabilities, these kids still have to be educated. Such program is also intended for kids that have high IQ but have problems adapting with the environment.

Kids that are born to be autistic, with dyslexia, low I. Q or with trisomy 21 are the most common cases that needs such teaching method. If you have a child that is diagnosed with certain disabilities then you may qualify for such programs and service. With the help of a perfectly capable professionals, your child will be properly educated.

More so, through the IDEA, or Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act your school district is required to provide free appropriate public education or FAPE in the least restrictive environment. This law ensures that despite on your child?s disability, he or she will receive proper knowledge according to what their needs.

Those that are diagnosed with autism will be in one classroom and will be taught with an expert aide. This is to make sure that all will be mainstreamed. Such activity can start as early as kindergarten that is if mental disability will be detected early. Unlike regular school setting, teachers on this method will be working as a team and lessons have to be more individualized as well.

These professionals will be responsible for your kid?s improvement towards learning. However, teaching will be focused on the child?s needs. Indeed, goals will be according to what they need and what has to be improved. Parents are encouraged to participate with such program to ensure success on your kid?s condition.

These professionals will work as a team, hence they will be working collaboratively. They should teach and help their students according to their special needs. Goals should be focused on their needs as well and what needs to be improved. These programs are offered as early as kindergarten depending on how early the disability is detected and diagnosed.

Preparing these kids to live independently as possible may seem vague but with the proper education this could actually be possible. Professionals that work for such program can include teachers to therapists such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and vision specialist. With their effort and collaborations, your child could surprisingly improve.

One of the primary goal of special education tutoring programs is to provide support to kids both with mental disability and exceptional gifts and talents through individualized education and other therapies to help them live a normal life. This will also prepare them for future employments and independent living.

People needing tutoring to pass classes can get help at This site can help special education students and more who check out


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Yahoo Sets Up Shop In Times Square For Its 500 New York Employees (But Not The Tumblr Team)

yahoo-bldgToday has been quite a roller coaster ride for Yahoo -- the company put days of reports and rumors to rest this morning when it confirmed that it would acquire the social blogging platform Tumblr for $1.1 billion, and now CEO Marissa Mayer has confirmed that Yahoo's New York employees will now be moving. They'll all soon be working right around the corner from Times Square in the same building that used to house the New York Times (229 West 43rd Street, to be more specific).


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European commissioner promises single mobile market by 2015

European commissioner promises single mobile market by 2015

As much as Europe can hope for deeper integration, it doesn't feel that way when citizens get whacked for hefty roaming rates. European digital commissioner Neelie Kroes has got such charges in her sights, telling business leaders that she's planning to push through a single mobile telecoms market before she retires in 2015. Speaking at the European Business Summit, she said she had "no intention to retire until [she'd] knocked down all the barriers to a single market," which was her "major priority" for the rest of her term. Hopefully those on that side of the pond will never again have to fork over $8 per day just to check Vine.

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Source: EUObserver


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Absolutely outstanding! Our Exit Strategy: Denying Death its Strangeness,?
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Infographic on how people (don't) plan for end-of-life,? eFuneral

For a dying patient, a prescription of silence,? L.A. Times

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Report: Obama Administration Apologizes for Another National Security Leak

Report: Obama Administration Apologizes for Another National Security LeakDamascus-Before-After-Bombing

Israel Channel 2 broadcast this satellite image showing a Damascus airport warehouse before and after the airstrike (Screenshot: Channel 2 News)

The Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press reporters' phone records was reportedly one element of a "sweeping" federal investigation to find out who leaked classified information about a failed Al-Qaeda plot to bomb an American airliner.

Now, the Obama administration has reportedly apologized to Israel for another leak of classified information to the media, one that occurred earlier this month and which Israeli officials are concerned could place Israeli lives at risk.

Israel Radio's diplomatic correspondent Chico Menashe reported Sunday morning (via the Jerusalem Post):

American officials apologized to their Israeli counterparts for confirming that Israel was behind the airstrikes on the Damascus airport earlier this month, Israel Radio reported on Sunday.

The confirmation reportedly came from the lower ranks at the Pentagon, and the reasons for the leak are being investigated.

Menashe tweeted: "The U.S. has apologized to Israel for leaking details of the attack in Syria. Senior administration officials said to their [Israeli] counterparts that they are examining the issue and that low-level [officials] were responsible for the leak."

Menashe also wrote, "US officials told that they [will] review the matter. The leak forced Assad to react harshly."

U.S. apologized for leaking details of Israel. US officials told that they review the matter.The leak forced assad to react harshly.

The New York Times attributed its report about the bombing on May 3 to an Obama administration official: "Israel aircraft bombed a target in Syria overnight Thursday, an Obama administration official said Friday night, as United States officials said they were considering military options, including carrying out their own airstrikes."

CNN, which broke the story first on May 3, quoted two unnamed U.S. officials:

The United States believes Israel has conducted an airstrike into Syria, two U.S. officials first told CNN.

U.S. and Western intelligence agencies are reviewing classified data showing Israel most likely conducted a strike in the Thursday-Friday time frame, according to both officials. This is the same time frame that the U.S. collected additional data showing Israel was flying a high number of warplanes over Lebanon.

One official said the United States had limited information so far and could not yet confirm those are the specific warplanes that conducted a strike. Based on initial indications, the U.S. does not believe Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace to conduct the strikes.

Two weeks later, Israel still has not officially taken responsibility for the bombings, which allegedly targeted Iranian Fateh-110 missiles intended to bolster Hezbollah's arsenal.

Israeli security analysts suggest that confirmation of Israel Defense Forces involvement - even if leaked via American sources - not only could potentially endanger any agents still on the ground in Syria, but would also put pressure on embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad to retaliate against the Jewish state.

Barry Rubin, director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center, told TheBlaze, "It requires the Syrians to react officially rather than deny that it happened or that it was an accident. It forces Syria and Hezbollah and Iran to react officially and say they want to seek revenge, which makes things more dangerous for Israel."

"Can you imagine if things were reversed and somebody did that to the U.S.?" he added.

Assad may already be responding. Britain's Sunday Times reported that the Syrian military has placed advanced weapons on standby to strike Israel, in the event Israel strikes targets again in Syria.

The report said that reconnaissance satellite images show Syria has surface-to-surface Tishreen missiles ready for use and aimed at Tel Aviv. Each can carry a half ton payload, according to the paper.

In an interview with CNN shortly after the airstrikes, Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad called the attack a "declaration of war," adding that Syria would retaliate in its own time and way.

At the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the tumult facing the Middle East, calling it "one of its most sensitive periods in decades with the escalating upheaval in Syria at its center."

"We are closely monitoring the developments and changes there and we are prepared for any scenario. The government of Israel is working responsibly and with determination and sagacity, in order to ensure the supreme interest of the state of Israel - the security of Israeli citizens in keeping with the policy that we have set, to - as much as possible - prevent the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah and to [other] terrorist elements," he said.

"We will work to ensure Israelis' security interest in the future as well," Netanyahu added.

Last week, Russia said it would move forward with a sale of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria, after Netanyahu made a visit to Moscow in person to try to convince the Russians to halt the deal. Once deployed, the advanced system will make future Israeli sorties over Syria more difficult, as well as rendering any notion of a U.S. or European-led no-fly zone much more complicated to implement.


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Andrus collects five hits; Rangers top Tigers

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:10 a.m. ET May 19, 2013

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - Anibal Sanchez was knocked out of the game early Saturday night, the second time in three games a Tigers starter hasn't made it out of the third against the Rangers.

Elvis Andrus had a career-high five hits, Mitch Moreland homered and Texas roughed up Sanchez in the Rangers' 7-2 victory over the Tigers.

Sanchez (4-4) gave up a season-high six runs in 2 2-3 innings, his shortest start in almost two years. The right-hander yielded nine hits, walked two and struck out two as his ERA jumped from 2.05 to 2.77.

Andrus ended Sanchez's night after 74 pitches with an RBI single that gave Texas a 6-2 lead.

Tigers ace Justin Verlander gave up eight runs in 2 2-3 innings in Detroit's 10-4 loss to the Rangers on Thursday night.

"Sometimes you just don't have it and you're trying to do the best you could," Detroit catcher Alex Avila said. "When guys have been as consistent as (Sanchez) has or like Justin has, everybody gets really worried. But I'm pretty confident he'll have a pretty good start his next time around."

Detroit has lost seven of 11 games and dropped a game behind the Cleveland Indians in the AL Central.

Torii Hunter snapped an 0-for-15 slide with an RBI double and he scored two batters later on Prince Fielder's single, bringing the Tigers within 4-2 in the third.

Sanchez was gone soon after that.

Moreland led off the bottom of the third with his 10th homer and Andrus' run-scoring hit made it 6-2 and forced Sanchez out of the game.

Sanchez threw 32 pitches in each of the first two innings. This was his shortest start since going 1 2-3 innings Aug. 10, 2011 as a member of the Marlins.

"It's a bad outing," Sanchez said. "I don't have an excuse. We have to give credit to the team, they swung well."

Andrus scored three runs, had two RBIs and stole a pair of bases as he hit leadoff for the second straight game in place of ailing second baseman Ian Kinsler. Andrus was a home run shy of the cycle and finished off his 5-for-5 game with a single to right in the eighth.

The Texas shortstop admitted that he was swinging for a homer in his last at-bat against reliever Phil Coke.

"(Adrian) Beltre told me to take three hard swings," Andrus said. "Try to go yard. That's what I did, but the pitch was down. But I'm really happy with a base hit."

Texas starter Justin Grimm (3-3) gave up two runs in 6 2-3 innings to snap a three-game losing streak. The rookie allowed seven hits and struck out two while throwing a career-high 105 pitches.

After allowing two runs in the third, Grimm retired 12 of the final 14 batters he faced and left to a standing ovation. He credited a pep talk from manager Ron Washington after the third inning for his success Saturday.

"Wash got me in the dugout and told me to trust my stuff," Grimm said. "He kind of tapped me in the face and caught me off guard. Just hearing that he had confidence in me meant a lot."

Andrus singled on Sanchez's first pitch of the game, then stole second and advanced to third on Avila's throwing error. The Texas shortstop scored on Avila's passed ball.

The Rangers extended their lead to 4-0 with three runs in the second.

Andrus got the inning going with an RBI triple that tipped the end of Hunter's glove in right. Hunter said that he lost the ball in the lights.

"I went to where I thought it was going to be and it wasn't there," Hunter said. "You can't catch something you can't see."

Andrus scored on Sanchez's throwing error and Lance Berkman capped the second inning with an RBI single.

Berkman's RBI double scored Andrus, who led off the sixth with a double.

NOTES: Texas RHP Colby Lewis (elbow) and C A.J. Pierzynski (strained right oblique muscle) will begin rehab assignments Monday for Double-A Frisco. Lewis was removed from his rehab stint earlier in the week with triceps tendinitis, but he threw on the field Saturday with no problems. . Detroit manager Jim Leyland said he expects OF Austin Jackson (strained right hamstring) to return from the disabled list when he is eligible May 27. . Kinsler missed his second straight game with bruised ribs, an injury that was aggravated after he was hit by a pitch from Verlander on Thursday night.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) ? Students at Hofstra University wore white ribbons at their graduation ceremony to honor a fellow student who was accidentally killed by a police officer confronting an armed intruder.

Sunday's ceremony came two days after Andrea Rebello died when the masked man entered her off-campus home on Long Island.

A police officer aiming at the would-be robber opened fire, hitting the 21-year-old college junior as well as the ex-convict who had entered the house.

On Saturday evening, flags on campus were at half-staff and students held a silent outdoor in front of a photo of the young woman. Surrounded by candles and flowers, they sang "Ave Maria."

Rebello's funeral is scheduled for Wednesday in Sleepy Hollow, which is in Westchester County.


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Police call fatal NYC shooting a hate crime

NEW YORK (AP) ? A gunman used homophobic slurs before firing a fatal shot point-blank into a man's face on a Manhattan street alive with a weekend midnight crowd, a killing New York's police commissioner called an "anti-gay" hate crime.

Before opening fire early Saturday, the gunman confronted the victim and his companion in Greenwich Village and asked if they "want to die here," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

The shooting follows a series of recent bias attacks on gay men in New York, but this was the first deadly one.

About 15 minutes before the bloodshed, the gunman was seen urinating outside an upscale restaurant a few blocks from the Stonewall Inn, a birthplace of the gay rights movement, according to Kelly. He then went inside the restaurant and asked if someone was going to call the police about him.

Police said the gunman, identified later as 33-year-old Elliot Morales, told both the bartender and the manager, "if you do call the police, I'll shoot you" and opened his sweatshirt to reveal a shoulder holster with a revolver and made anti-gay remarks, Kelly said.

Morales has a previous arrest for attempted murder in 1998, police said. Details of that arrest weren't immediately clear.

Out on the street minutes later, the gunman and two others approached the 32-year-old victim, identified by police as Harlem resident Marc Carson, and a companion on Sixth Avenue. One of the three men yelled out, "What are you, gay wrestlers?" according to Kelly.

The two men stopped, turned and, according to Kelly, said to the group taunting them, "What did you say?" ? then kept walking.

"There were no words that would aggravate the situation spoken by the victims here," the commissioner said. "This fully looks to be a hate crime, a bias crime."

Two of the men kept following the victim and his companion, Kelly said, adding that witnesses saw the pair approach from behind while repeating anti-gay slurs.

The gunman asked the men if they were together and when he got an affirmative answer, Kelly said, "we believe that the perpetrator says to the victim, 'Do you want to die here?'"

That's when suspect produced the revolver and fired one shot into Carson's cheek, Kelly said.

The gunman fled to 3rd Street, where an officer who had heard a description on his radio spotted him and ordered him to stop, Kelly said. The suspected gunman threw his revolver to the ground and was arrested on the edge of the New York University campus.

Police found the mortally wounded victim on the pavement. He was pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital.

Authorities said they could not immediately identify Morales because he was carrying forged identification. But investigators learned his name after the forged ID was submitted to the department's Facial Recognition Unit.

Of the other recent New York bias attacks on gay men, one was reported last week on nearby Christopher Street, where a 35-year-old man told police he was beaten up and heard anti-gay words after leaving a bar.

On May 10, two men trying to enter a billiards hall on West 32nd Street were approached and beaten by a group shouting homophobic slurs, police said.

And on May 5, a man and his partner were beaten near Madison Square Garden after a group of men wearing Knicks shirts hurled anti-gay slurs at them.

The commissioner said Saturday that police were looking into possible links between the incidents.

Multiple lawmakers have condemned the violence.

"I am horrified to learn that last night, a gay man was murdered in my district after being chased out of a Greenwich Village restaurant and assailed by homophobic slurs," New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn said. "I stand with all New Yorkers in condemning this attack."

The Democratic mayoral candidate said there was a time in New York when hate crimes were common ? when two people of the same gender could not walk down the street arm in arm without fear of violence and harassment.

But "we refuse to go back to that time," she said. "This kind of shocking and senseless violence, so deeply rooted in hate, has no place in a city whose greatest strength will always be its diversity."

New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman, a Democrat whose district includes Manhattan's West Side, called on New Yorkers "to unite against hate and gun violence."

And State Assemblywoman Deborah Glick declared that "New York is not open for bigotry."

The New York City Anti-Violence Project plans to gather on Friday night for what it calls a "Community Safety Night."


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AP CEO calls records seizure unconstitutional

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The president and chief executive officer of The Associated Press on Sunday called the government's secret seizure of two months of reporters' phone records "unconstitutional" and said the news cooperative had not ruled out legal action against the Justice Department.

Gary Pruitt, in his first television interviews since it was revealed the Justice Department subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters and editors, said the move already has had a chilling effect on journalism. Pruitt said the seizure has made sources less willing to talk to AP journalists and, in the long term, could limit Americans' information from all news outlets.

Pruitt told CBS' "Face the Nation" that the government has no business monitoring the AP's newsgathering activities.

"And if they restrict that apparatus ... the people of the United States will only know what the government wants them to know and that's not what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they wrote the First Amendment," he said.

In a separate interview with the AP, Pruitt said the news cooperative had not decided its next move but had not ruled out legal action against the government. He said the Justice Department's investigation is out of control and President Barack Obama should rein it in.

"It's too early to know if we'll take legal action but I can tell you we are positively displeased and we do feel that our constitutional rights have been violated," Pruitt said.

"They've been secretive, they've been overbroad and abusive ? so much so that taken together, they are unconstitutional because they violate our First Amendment rights," he added.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said the government needs to stop leaks by whatever means necessary.

"This is an investigation that needs to happen because national security leaks, of course, can get our agents overseas killed," he said.

Republican Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said the government should focus on those who leak sensitive national security matters and not on journalists who report on them. The Texas Republican said his committee should hold hearings on how the Justice Department obtained phone records from AP reporters and editors.

"What confuses me is the focus on the press, who have a constitutional right here and we depend on the press to get to the bottom of so many issues that we, as individuals, cannot," Cornyn said.

Cornyn said the Justice Department's actions were part of a pattern for Obama's administration to quiet its critics.

"It's a culture of cover-ups and intimidation that is giving the administration so much trouble," Cornyn said.

He also renewed his call for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign, citing the contempt citation the House of Representatives voted against him last year for refusing to turn over documents in a failed government gun smuggling sting.

White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the president "has complete faith in Attorney General Holder." He also insisted the White House was not involved in the decision to seek AP phone records.

"A cardinal rule is we don't get involved in independent investigations. And this is one of those," Pfeiffer said.

Although the Justice Department has not explained why it sought phone records from the AP, Pruitt pointed to a May 7, 2012, story that disclosed details of a successful CIA operation in Yemen to stop an airliner bomb plot around the one-year anniversary of the May 2, 2011, killing of Osama bin Laden.

The AP delayed publication of that story at the request of government officials who said it would jeopardize national security.

"We respected that, we acted responsibly, we held the story," Pruitt said.

Pruitt said that only after officials from two government entities said the threat had passed did the AP publish the story. He said the administration still asked that the story be held until an official announcement the next day, a request the AP rejected.

The news service viewed the story as important because White House and Department of Homeland Security officials were saying publicly there was no credible evidence of a terrorist threat to the U.S. around the one-year anniversary of bin Laden's death.

"So that was misleading to the American public. We felt the American public needed to know this story," Pruitt said.

The AP has seen an effect on its newsgathering since the disclosure of the Justice Department's subpoena, he said.

"Officials that would normally talk to us and people we talk to in the normal course of newsgathering are already saying to us that they're a little reluctant to talk to us," Pruitt said. "They fear that they will be monitored by the government."

The Justice Department secretly obtained two months of personal and work telephone records for several reporters and editors, as well as general AP office numbers in New York, Washington and Hartford, Conn., and for the main number for the AP in the House of Representatives press gallery.

"It was sweeping and broad and beyond what they needed to do," Pruitt said.

He objected to the "Justice Department acting on its own being the judge, jury and executioner in secret," saying the AP would not back down.

"We're not going to be intimidated by the abusive tactics of the Justice Department," he said.

McConnell and Pfeiffer were interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press." Cornyn appeared on "Face the Nation."


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